Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Already September

Well, some of you may be wondering whether or not we went camping last weekend. We thought it was going to be crazy weather due to Hurricane Daniel. So we stayed home. And it barely rained. Sheesh.

We will definitely be going at least once more this year. Our Thanksgiving tradition is camping.

In the meantime, I have been a slow reader this month and even worse at writing reviews. I will get caught up though. Here's how I did for the month of August:

52. The Girl on the Via Flaminia - Alfred Hayes
53. Three Junes - Julia Glass
54. The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein
55. Julie and Julia - Julie Powell
56. The Coral Thief - Rebecca Stott

I'm only on book 56 for my 100+ Reading Challenge. I probably won't make that 100 mark but I'll keep trying.


  1. Amanda - quick get those reviews up, you always read books that I have never heard of and make my TBR list grow!

  2. But if you had gone camping, it would have poured rain all weekend!

    Can't wait to hear what you think of Three Junes; I have it in Mt. TBR.

  3. Sorry about the camping-- at least you have Thanksgiving to look forward to! Save the marshmallows!

  4. Exactly. The weather held off just because you stayed home. The Eastern Seaboard owes you a debt of gratitude!


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