Friday, August 28, 2009

To Camp or Not To Camp

That is the question today. We are supposed to head out and go camping after work today and come back on Sunday. But a little thing called Hurricane Danny is standing in our way. Will we make it? Hmmm...

While we try to make up our minds, enjoy some past posts from previous camping trips.


Camping in the Catskills

Thanksgiving Camping Tradition

Camping in Canada


  1. Well, it sure would be exciting!

    among other things.

    :) have fun!

  2. I hope you don't get washed out. I think you are brave just camping. I am a hotel kind of a girl.

  3. Camping out with a hurricane around?
    Seems a little crazy to me.
    But then the crazy things we do always make the best stories later.
    Loved the photos from your Canada/Alaska trip.

  4. Hmm, hurricane + tent = trouble, I would think ...

  5. Hi Amanda, I've nominated you for a Bingo Award.

    Take Care

  6. Okay, so now the question is: Did you, or Didn't you?

    Looking at all your past camping posts it is obvious that you guys know how to do it right. We are camping in Oct. but we are doing it the wimp way, staying in a cabin rather than in our tent. The desire for working toiletries outweighed my desire to spend time in nature.


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