Thursday, September 11, 2008

Question of Masters

Every once in a while I've mentioned that I am in the process of getting my masters degree. I've gotten the question of, "what in?" so I'm just going to blab a bit.

My B.A. is in history. My childhood dream was to be an archaeologist. I used to flip through National Geographic magazines even before I could read the articles. I also have a tad fascination/hobby with art history. This could stem from my mom who is an amazing painter. This is my mom's house with a painting she did which is a copy famous painting. Can you tell which painting it is?
Back to the after thinking and thinking I decided to go for a Master's degree in Library and Information Science. I'm not sure I want to be a "Librarian" per say...not that I wouldn't snag the position if it was offered. But I still love history and art so my dream is to work in a museum, archive, digital library, etc. So we'll see how it goes!

For more info on my studies, see my post from last Spring when I went to my school a few days for a class. For the most part, I have been able to do the majority of my degree online.

And check out other bloggers who are in the same program or have graduated:

Confessions of A Real Librarian
Tripping Toward Lucidity


  1. I also have a BA in history. I really wanted to do archival administration for museums, but after taking classes in grad school (cannot relate how boring those classes were) I knew that it was NOT for me. I do like being a librarian though. :-)

  2. I've heard that's a very employable degree, and you are known to love books, so it sounds like a good choice. (But archeology is pretty dangerous, as it can lead to being abducted by King Kong or aliens ...)

  3. congrats on your decision. i have been thinking and thinking about it myself and am applying to start in January!

  4. when I decided to leave teaching to get my MA, I couldn't decide whether I wanted to get a degree in English or Library Science. Ideally, I would've done both. But I applied to one school's English program and another's YA librarianship program, and the English program was the one that offered me an assistantship; the librarianship program didn't even call me to interview for any of the scholarships or assistantships. Thus was my decision made.

    But I'm considering a second MA--either in librarianship or publishing...

  5. Ahhh, art! I was an art student before I did a BA and MA in English. Now I'm onto library science. I figure if I collect degrees long enough they'll just forgive my student loan debt. I can dream, right?

    I was just on campus for class last night, and we had a great time listening to a guest speaker. It was especially interesting since we discovered some new options for info professionals that aren't traditional library gigs. I like options.


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