Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today is a tough day. For many people for many families. Even those who didn't lose love ones or live in the NYC area were affected. It is the day that pretty much everyone remembers where they were and what they were doing when their world changed.

Today is also a happy day. Well at least for me because it's my husband's birthday. And I celebrate his life. I think the celebration of life is even more poignant on this day.

So always remember the eleventh of September. But also remember to cherish life.


  1. Well Happy Birthday to your husband! even more thankful for him! I was thinking as I was out this morning that the weather is exactly as it was on 9-11-01. Sad day...lots of memories.

  2. Happy Birthday to hubby! Trish wrote a post about birthdays today too ...

  3. Amanda - I popped over from Betsy's place. My birthday is today as well. I've posted the poem I wrote about celebrating life. Check it out. Great blog! I'll stop by again.

  4. That was a beautiful thing to say. I hope you don't mind, but I shared it with another blog friend who was talking about how difficult it is to have a 9-11 birthday.

  5. Happy Birthday to your husband. It is my birthday also today. Jill of Fizzy Beverage sent me your link. Wonderful post!


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