Saturday, February 2, 2008

Safe and Sound and On the Road

My husband did make it home safe and sound yesterday. He was sitting at the airport in Chicago for hours and hours and was on standby for two flights and finally got on a flight. Yay!! If you prayed for him, thank you!

So I am going to try and be better uploading all my fun photos when I take them. Last weekend I treated my husband to a surprise outing. So Saturday I dragged him on the A train and wouldn't tell him what stop we were getting out at. At 42nd street we got out and started walking East. When we neared 42nd and 5th he realized where I was taking him.

Kerouac at the Library!!

The NYPL "Lion" library (Humanities and Social Sciences Libray) is having a exhibition at the library called Beatific Soul: Jack Kerouac on the Road which is showcasing the actual long long scroll that he typed out On the Road with. I read On the Road and a bit of Dharma Bums and just didn't get them. But my husband likes them and it was a great exhibition! I had never been in this library before and (I know I complained about this library in this blog) and fell in love with it. you can't check out books unless you have a research Access card...but you can study, check out the art displays in the hallways, and basically feel like you are unchaperoned in a museum :) Yay!

We went in a side entrance so had a bit of time trying to find out where the exhibition was. Here's a floor (third floor?) trying to find where the exhibition was at:
The ceiling:
I don't know what the protocol for taking pictures are in the library so I was taking them fast and without flash...this one is kind of creepy
My husband looking at one of the hallways of artwork:
It's kind of Gothic sometimes:
This is the main entrance:
Here's one of the famous lions guarding the front entrance:
And the main entrance...ta da!

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