Friday, March 12, 2010

News and such

Hello all!

Sorry I've been so MIA lately. I have big news I want to share. My husband has decided to go back to school for his Ph.D. so we are going to be moving out of New York. Yikes!! I have to say I am so happy he's finding something he wants to do and perhaps place him in a teaching position or something along those lines. I am hopefully going to be in a position to finally get my foot in the library arena. I've recently received my Library and Information Science degree and can't wait to get my dive in.

So where are we going? Looks like I will be a new Kentuckian (is that how you say it?)!! We'll be near Mammoth Caves N.P. and pretty close to Nashville, Tennessee so I am very excited about all that. And our pups will hopefully have a back yard! We'll be leaving here late March and will be going on a little road trip to some fun National Parks and through Texas to see family. I will hopefully be posting photos as we go along. I also have a box of books to keep me company so I'll definitely be posting reviews as well.

What does this mean for this blog? I will keep posting here until probably sometime in May or June. Then I'll be switching over to a new blog. For those of you want to still keep up with whatever I am doing and reading, you can follow me over. If you want more NYC fun stuff, I'll make sure I point you to some great bloggers I've found.

I've noticed I have some new followers so to all my old and new friends, hello and welcome!

I want to give a big thanks to Al from Publish or Perish who gave me the Sunshine Award. If you don't know Al, he's a wonderful Australian blogger who takes amazing pictures of his place in the world and who's book Veiled in Shadows I am anxiously awaiting publication. Keep up the good work Al!
Put the logo on your blog in your post.
Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
Link the nominees within your post.
Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blogs.
Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

I have so many great people who constantly comment and say such encouraging remarks. I love reading their blogs as well so here's my list of people you should go check out.

Heather at Age 30+ a Lifetime of Books - A wonderful book blogger and mother who shares my love of the Wheel of Time series. Thanks for chatting with me the other day at That's How I Blog on Blog Talk Radio!

Jen at Devourer of Books - A wonderful book blogger who also joined in the chat. Thanks Jen!

She at A Book Blog. Period. - A prolific book blogger and an awesome commenter. Good luck with all your studies!

Vivienne at Serendipity - I love her beautiful blog and wonderful reviews. She always makes my day brighter with her comments.

Dennis the Vizsla - Dennis and his fun crazy family are always a treat to read about. Anna Bear and Charlie Dog say hello!

Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea - Love her reviews. Go read her blog now.

Brainella the Librarian - I love her brainy blog design and she never fails to crack me up. Got to love librarians!

Amy at Passages to the Past - A wonderful historical fiction blog who adds TBR books to my list all the time.

Aarti at BookLust - A gorgeous book blog with wonderful posts.

Andi at Estella's Revenge: Tripping Toward Lucidity - A teacher and book blogger who has a little one on the way.

Amanda at A Bookshelf Monstrosity - Also a librarian science student living in Tennessee. Hey! We'll be neighbors soon!

Stacy's Books and Movies - A great blog combining two of my favorite things: books and movies.

This isn't even close to everyone I want to mention, so a big "Thank you!" to everyone who make me smile as I read your blogs and comments.


  1. Congratulations to your husband. I wish you well in your move and search for a library position.

  2. We follow your blog because you are a wonderful person who we like to read about. It wouldn't matter if you lived in Alaska, we would still follow you. I look forward to taking a virtual journey across America with you.

    Well done on your award and thank you for passing it on to me. Your words made me blush.

    Well done to your husband for finding his fire. Good luck with your new life.

  3. Aww, shucks...thanks for my award Amanda and congrats on yours!

    Good luck with your move and welcome to the South! Your doggies are going to love a backyard!

    Also good luck with your career in Library Science..that is really cool!

    Take care and I will be following you to your new blog!

  4. It sounds like a wonderful opportunity! Best to you with everything. :)

  5. Good luck with the move! How exciting!

  6. Yay for your husband! What is he going to get his PhD in? Anything fun and exciting like literature or history? :-)

    I went to Kentucky last year for the Derby. It is a really pretty state. I know it's technically the south, but you're basically becoming a Midwesterner, in my opinion :-)

    And thank you so much for the award! I feel honored to be in the company of you and the other recipients.

  7. Thanks for the award. I hope you like Kentucky! I'm a few hours to the south, close to Nashville. Maybe we can have a blogger meet-up someday :)

  8. Best of luck to you and your husband. I'm sure KY will be a huge change from NYC, but it sounds like a great opportunity.

    BTW...Thanks so much for the award Amanda, I appreciate you thinking of me.

  9. hello amanda its dennis the vizsla dog hay congratchoolayshuns and thank yoo!!! so yoo ar leeving the mithical land of noo york for the mithical land of kentuckee eh??? now yoo wil be a former noo yorker just like my mama and dada and tucker and trixie and trouble!!! ok bye

  10. Congratulations on what look to be some great opportunities for both of you!

    I for one will be following until you switch, and you can be sure I'll move over to following the new blog too. I think your blog is great and you share some fantastic piccies too!

    Thank you very much for the shout out!


    Publish or Perish

  11. Congratulations! How exciting a new move and so drastically different than NYC. I'm sure you both are ready for a change. I look forward to reading about the "new" Kentuckian.

  12. NYC will suffer in your absence but it sounds like you are off on a wonderful new adventure and experience! And, even better, no more mold in your home & a backyard for the pups & you! It sounds great!
    Congratulations to your husband deciding to get his PhD. I think that's fantastic! I still think about getting mine in English.
    And good luck to you getting into the library arena, that sounds awesome!

    I would like to continue following your blog when you move to a new one.
    Congrats on the award!
    ~ Amy

  13. Good luck on this new chapter of your life! I hope you enjoy Kentucky and the. . . mountains? I look forward to reading about your adventures there. Also, I hope you get to use your degree, how exciting!

    Thank you so much for the award and linking to me! It's definitely what I needed today : )

  14. Wow. Kentucky! It's so pretty there. I think you'll love it; though definitely different than NYC. Tell your husband congratulations and good luck.

    Thanks for the award! We librarians need to stick together. :)

  15. Oh-big news! I love moving, so I hope you're excited about it. :)

  16. I'm so excited for you and your husband on this new move - can't wait to hear all about your new home. :)

    And thanks so much for the award, you are too sweet!

  17. I'll miss the pics of NYC, but I LOVE Nashville so I think it's a good trade. If I could live anywhere in the US I'd be tempted by the area between Nashville and Murfreesboro.

  18. Congrats to your husband. Sounds like you are looking forward to it as well. Looking forward to new pictures!

  19. Cool news!I've lived in the same state all of my life and sometimes wish I could just pack up and move to another part of the country, just for something different!

  20. Congrats and good luck with the move!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  21. Wow! That is a big change! I'm excited for the new adventure that you are both about to undertake and look forward to your observations and pictures of your new state! :)


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