Friday, February 12, 2010

Interesting book...

I thought I'd just share this intersting tidbit I learned today.

I was commuting to work this morning and listening to my favorite podcast, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me! from NPR on my new iPod Touch (man is this iPod cool) when I learned about this book:

This is the blurb from Harper Colliins:

In Sneaker Wars, journalist Barbara Smit reveals the dramatic, character-driven story of these two power-houses. Started in their mother's laundry room in Germany, Adi and Rudi Dassler's shoe business was an instant success, their spikes worn by Jesse Owens in the Berlin Olympics. But a vicious feud soon pulled them apart: by the end of World War II, the brothers split the company, dividing their family and hometown.

What a bizarre true story! Did any of you know this weird fact about Puma and Adidas? I am going to have to pick this book up.


  1. I didn't realise that both companies were run by opposing brothers. How extraordinary.

  2. Huh. That is most interesting, indeed...I really like the book cover, too.

  3. Oddly I did, know about the Adidas/Puma wars.
    There was a local TV docco about it years ago.
    I can't remember why it was such news down here in Oz, but it was probably around the time one of them was shutting down their local factories.


    Publish or Perish

  4. I can hardly listen to Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me in front of other people because I have a tendency to laugh out loud!

  5. My Ipod is an essential part of my NYC commute too!

    I did not know the story behind ipod and adidas - the book sounds interesting!

  6. My wife calls her iPod Touch "The Precious".

  7. Interesting story. The picture of your commute to work hardly looks like you are in NYC. What a beautiful walk.


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