Friday, December 4, 2009

Seeing Redd and Arch Enemy - Frank Beddor

Seeing Redd and Arch Enemy are the second and third books in the The Looking Glass Wars trilogy by Frank Beddor. You can check out my review of the first book. I found a copy of Seeing Redd at a library book sale and was in the middle of reading it when I was asked by Victor at Special Ops Media to review Arch Enemy. How cool is that?

**If you haven't checked out my first review or read the first book, you might get some spoilers so just watch out.

**Please note that these books are not graphic novels and the photos are taken from the Internet, not the books.

Seeing Redd

Alyss Heart (Alice from Wonderland) is real. She was forced to go through the Pool of Tears into our world when she was young to escape her evil aunt Redd who had murdered her mother. Alyss is back in Wonderland but is not fighting against her aunt for the throne.

I don't want to give away too much, but I really liked Seeing Redd. Evil Redd just cracks me up because she is just so perfectly evil. I love her evil roses on her dress that snap at people. And her side-kick Cat is just awesome. (Best part: Redd makes an appearance in London...totally enjoyed that part in the book).

Here's some other photos of Redd (I just LOVE this series' artwork):

Alternate covers:

Arch Enemy

Alyss Heart has more to contend with than just her evil aunt. The third book focuses on her other rival King Arch who is the tribal leader of the Boarderlands. How cool is the cover of Arch Enemy?
Here's the Boarderlands:
While Alyss and Redd are in the middle of their own war, Arch sees an opportunity to take over Wonderland for himself. Arch is pretty funny too. He thinks women should not be rulers and he is so condescending.

I really enjoyed this one because it really dealt with the the idea of Imagination and what happens when Wonderlanders (especially Alyss and Redd) lose their imagination and how that affects people in our world. It was one of those books that there were only a few pages left and I got all is it going to end!?! But he wrapped it up pretty nicely. I was impressed.

Oh, and don't forget Dodge. Dodge is Alyss's love interest in the trilogy who is bent on revenge because the Cat killed his father. Here's Dodge:
And here's the tragic Heart family (Redd on the left and Alyss's mom on the right):
While I enjoyed the series, I think I am more enthralled with the art work. I'd love to see this series as a graphic novel or better yet, a movie. On Frank Beddor's website for the trilogy, it does look like there is something in the works. Yippee!

Also Reviewed by:

Where Troubles Melt Like Lemon Drops - Seeing Redd
Bold. Blue. Adventure - Seeing Redd
A Reader's Journal - Seeing Redd
Muse Books - Seeing Redd

The Neverending Shelf - Arch Enemy


  1. Isn't this the absolute best series?! I can't wait to read Arch Enemy

  2. This reminds me of American McGee's old "Alice" video game ...

  3. My daughter loves this series. I didn't realize there was a 3rd book out. I wonder if she knows. Must tell her tomorrow. Thanks for posting about it.

    Oh a movie. She'll be so excited!!

  4. omg I just finished Arch Enemy and it was amazing, but I dont get what happens to Arch at the end

  5. Cool, Chuck Roven, producer of "The Dark Knight" is working with Frank Beddor for create the movie "The Looking Glass Wars".

    Hi from México City!

    * Congratulations, amazing blog Amanda!


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