Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dog Days of November

I got the idea of Dog Days of November from The Literate Housewife during her Dog Days of Summer stint.

My husband and I read The Art of Racing in the Rain and both really liked it and I've been meaning to review it. I just finished Now & Then yesterday and am reading Giv: The Story of a Dog and America.

So I figured, what the hey. Let celebrate these dog-centric books by having a few reviews and a few giveaways. Yeah??

Stick around for these three reviews and giveaways for The Art of Racing in the Rain AND Now & Then.

And of course, can't help posting a photo of me and my dog, Charlie:
*Note: I do like my feet nice and toasty and no...I didn't burn my socks off.


  1. Yeah! I love themed posts. Looking forward to more dog days...

  2. Your dog looks slightly scary but in the most adorable way ever. I think it's just the silver eyes :p

  3. Speaking of dog-centered books, I'm partway through "Edgar Sawtelle" ... it's not bad so far. Lots of good dog stuff in it!


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