Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dewey's Read-a-thon Update

Good morning!

This is my first Read-a-thon post. I'm currently listening to Muriel Barbery's book on CD, Gourmet Rhapsody. I have to admit that I have a hard time listening to books. My mind tends to wander and I have to back track a lot. Does anyone else have that problem? I've taken a break from reading The Hunger Games. Ok...I am really glad I jumped on that bandwagon.

Anyway...time for my photos!

Here's my table of goodies. (Please ignore the pile on the windowsill. I've run out of bookshelf space. I know I know.)
This is one pile of books. These are the kids book section and graphic books.

Here's my second pile. The top one is my audio book. The rest are easier quick reads. Here's my third pile. I went on a library spree and picked up some short classics. You know, Steinbeck, Hemingway, Tolstoy, and Dostoevsky. Then I found a couple un-read ones in our books shelf. The Vonnegut one is my husband's book and the Rilke one is a wedding gift that I have yet to read.
Ok. Time to make some breakfast. The husband is looking hungry and I told him I'd make it today. Scrambled eggs and little smokies. Hehehe....

How are you all coming along?

1. I'm reading from the second half of our living room - the table and computer area. The husband is doing a Grand Theft Auto marathon in the other half. :)
2. I have 21 books. Eek!
3. My goal is five books. I think that's reasonable.
4. Not really a veteran read-a-thoner...failed miserably last year.


  1. Good luck Amanda. YOu look like you have some fantastic books to read there.

  2. OMG! I want to come over -- your goodies are so tempting and I love the candle. Good luck!

  3. Looks like a nice pile (of books and of food!) you've got there! I have a very hard time listening to audiobooks, and even people reading to me in person. My mind is just waaay to wander-y.

    Hope you're enjoying your reading, now I better get back to mine! =)

  4. Enjoy the Hunger Games it is Such A GOOD book, also so is Catching Fire (its sequel) Anyway have fun


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