Saturday, May 16, 2009

Last Exam Day

A few days ago I celebrated taking my last final exam for my degree-- hopefully last exam EVER.  I just have to complete some hands on work this summer and I'll get my degree in August. Woohoo!!

My husband was too sweet and celebrated by getting me some flowers and cooking dinner.  He even let me pick the movie to watch (I made him watch a girly movie) and he stayed awake through the whole thing. That's love right there.

Anyway, we also celebrated by opening a bottle of wine we got when we were in Texas. It was delicious. 


  1. I bet that's a nice feeling! Congrats!

    I take my last one for this semester on Monday. Only about a year to go!

  2. Yay! Just think, you'll soon get to tell people you are a librarian -- and they won't believe you because you don't wear orthopedic shoes, have a bun in your hair or wear your glasses with a chain around your neck. :-)

    Then again they will ask you, "Do you get to read all day?" Yeah. Because that's what it is ALL about...

  3. Congratulations on being done! I wish I could go back for my masters, but masters programs are pretty limited around here. I also have a BA in History, so why do I work at a credit union? Who knows!

  4. Congrats on being done! Our friends love that winery- glad you enjoyed the wine ;)

  5. How sweet of him. Love your wine glasses!

  6. No more pencils, no more books ... congratulations!

  7. Yea! Congratulations! Hope you had a great celebration - you must be thrilled!

  8. Congrats!!! Sounds like a good day :)

  9. Congratulations, I am so excited for you. I remember taking my last test in my last class (hopefully forever) many years ago and being so thrilled that I wouldn't be a student any longer!

  10. You're awesome!! Congrats for you and all of your hard work!


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