Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Library Loot

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Alessandra and Eva that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

Ok. After this batch of books I'm going to lay off going to the library for a while. Everytime I go I find good books to buy. And then I check out way too many books. AND I have way way way too many unread books at home so...yeah.

So all my holds came in so here's what I picked up yesterday.

I think that I've read this one way back in the day but I want to make sure. And it looks good:

I'm looking forward to reading this one. An introduction by Neil Gaiman...great endorsement!

Then my sister and I love the movie and I've heard the book is good but totally different. But I love Alice Hoffman so:
So I've got these books to read and I've started reading The Little Book by Seldon Edwards which I am really enjoying so far.
I still have The Bone People checked out as well but my husband snagged that one to read. So at least it's being read.
And of course the library's a great place to check out movies. Last night we watched The Orphanage:

I forgot to add the books I bought:

A hardcover of this book I still haven't gotten around to reading:
I love Isabel Allende and thought have been wanting to read this one:
And for years at bookstores I've seen this book and thought it sounded fascinating:


  1. So many awesome books! I hope you enjoy them all!

    The Orphanage is such a great movie. But so sad :(

  2. Glad to hear you're enjoying The Little Book. I bought it several months ago when it first came out b/c my brother- and sister-in-law used to work with the author (or his wife...or both of them...or something like that) and said they'd heard it was great, but I haven't gotten around to reading it. Next month, I hope. Keep us posted!

  3. Enchantment is a fantastic book. I loved it.

  4. I'm interested to see what you think of Thousand Splendid Suns when you read it. I enjoyed it, in that dark-and-twisty way.

  5. I didn't know "Practical Magic" was based on a book -- by Alice Hoffman, no less?! How did I miss that in the credits?

  6. I love the cover of Practical Magic, even though I strongly, strongly prefer the movie version! Enchantment was interesting, although for me Card always fall just a bit short.

    Wasn't The Orphanage the best?! Soooooooo creepy!

  7. There are some very interesting books there to add to my TBR list.

    The Orphanage was great I thought, simultaneously scary and sad.

  8. Enchantmet's cover is beautiful but I don't believe I've heard of it before. The Good Fairies of New York is another book on my TBR list too. Oh, I loved Pratical Magic!!! I've been thinking of re-reading it again lately. Really great loot! Enjoy :)

  9. That's a great selection of books. I just read The Good Fairies and it was awesome. I have Practical Magic on my list for this month, but your cover is way cooler. I like the look of Enchantment as well.

  10. I am reading The Little Book by Selden Edwards now and loving it!


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