Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Coventry - Helen Humphreys

Coventry by Helen Humphreys is so far the only Library Thing Early Reviewer book I've won. It's a beautiful little hardcover book with a gorgeous cover of Coventry Cathedral in England. At only 192 pages, it reads more as long short story than a novel. While not the best World War II book I've read, it's a great story about the part one town, Coventry, played in the war.

The book centers around two women, Harriet and Maeve, who live in Coventry. They had previously met back in 1914, the day
Harriet's husband went off to fight in World War I. They meet again in 1940 during the German blitz on England. Coventry was hit very hard during the war. The entire town was pretty much demolished. When the two meet again in 1940, Harriet is still greiving for her husband who was killed in World War I. Maeve is struggling as a single mom.

And that's pretty much it. The book is sectioned into three parts: 1914 when the two meet, 1940 during the blitz, and later when the two reminice back on the war days. While not the best World War II book, I thought the sections about the blitz pretty much sucked me into the story. How people lived and survived during those times was pretty horrific and heroic at the same time.

I love the hardback cover version I have but here's an alternate cover:

Also Reviewed By:
Age 30+...A Lifetime of Books and her Gram


  1. You are such an eclectic reader. The variety is astonishing. I like to think I read a variety but not like you at all. Anything outside my comfort zone, I don't usually enjoy.

  2. This one has been on my list for a while, because my Gram lived in Coventry during the war. She's told me stories about driving out to the fields in the middle of the night and sleeping there to avoid the bombs that were being dropped on the city. This is a MUST READ for me.

  3. I love to see the different covers for paperback and hardcover. Even more interesting (sometimes!) are the foreign covers, or seeing the translations into English (the titles aren't always the same).

  4. I loved this book! I wish it had been longer because the writing was wonderful and the characters were interesting. I've added your link to my review here. Would it be okay to list it on the book reviews page at War Through the Generations as well?

    Diary of an Eccentric


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