Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Because it's stuck in my head

After posting that I'm joining The Dream King Challenge...I now have a song stuck in my head. So because it's in my head, I'm posting it...

"If you need me
Me and Neil'll be hangin' out with the dream king
Neil says hi"--Tori Amos

***My work's computer has no audio so I hope it's the right song.

***I wish I could pull off dressing like Tori Amos.


  1. Y'know, I've liked that song since it came out, and I knew Tori and Neil were good friends, but only *now* are those lyrics actually connecting for me. Neat. :)

  2. Best song ever. This was the song that made me pick up my first Neil Gaiman book, and he's now my favourite author :D


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