Friday, July 25, 2008

Books by the Season

I finished up reading Charlotte Bronte's classic novel Jane Eyre. You may know Charlotte by her sister, Emily Bronte who wrote Wuthering Heights.

I was sitting at home talking to my husband and pondering upon my next "classic" book to read. I mentioned that I was thinking of reading a Charles Dickens book since I've never read his work before. "NO!" my husband stated. I looked at him stunned. "Why not?" I asked. "You CAN'T read Dickens in the summer." This seemed logical.

So I am reading Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte, sister of said Charlotte and Emily.

So do you read books according to the season? If you do...what books/authors can you only read in certain seasons? And why?

UPDATE: I decided that Agnes Grey felt a little to, well, grey for me for a sunny summer day. So I took some fellow book lovers advice and have switched to reading Summer by Edith Wharton. Now this seems like a book I have to read during the summer :)

Thanks to Chris and Lisa!! And thanks to Heather, Steinbeck will probably be next on my list.


  1. I never thought about "reading by the season" but I totally agree with your hubby - you absolutely CANNOT read Dickens in the summertime! Maybe some Jane Austen instead? Or my recent (and very short) classic, Cannery Row?

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog for my contest! I'm also giving away a couple books at if you want to poke in there!

    I agree with your husband- Dickens isn't for summer. Heather has it with Austen and Steinbeck. I'd also suggest maybe the classics of your youth (assuming the same youth)- Little Women, The Secret Garden. Or Wharton maybe? I am reading Persuasion right now, it's pretty good for summer.

  3. That's very funny but I can see his point. Dickens seems wintery to me too. I also only read Wuthering Heights in the fall or around Christmas. Weird. Edith Wharton is a summer author.

  4. Books are definitely seasonal! (And I haven't read any Dickens myself.) A lot of Austen's novels I want to read in the Spring or Wind in the Willows I always want to pick up in the Fall. I wonder why that is? Of course for some books the seasonal theme reflects the season I want to read them in, but not always. Best of luck on your next selection!

  5. that is hilarious!! Did your husband say what it was about Dickens that apparently makes him a winter read? Which Dickens do you think you're gonna go for once it is in season?

    I *love* Wuthering Heights, but Jane Eyre was a good one, too.

  6. I'm not sure if the email I sent back to you regarding your comment on my blog went through or not. But thanks for your recommendations that you left and I'll let you know about wine club if anything happens with it. I looked at your profile and you have a blog listed Purpose Driven something. Is it based off Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren? I'm reading that now.

  7. Hmm... now that you got me thinking about it, I think I do. For example, classics and chunky books work better for me in the autumn and winter. Spring and fantasy go together wonderfully. And around Christmas time I tend to have a shorter attention span, so I normally read children's books and comics then.

  8. You won! Please email me at bookslistslife at gmail dot com. We're gonna have to work out some details about both winners chose the same book!


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