Wednesday, March 26, 2008

San Antonio

After seeing the Alamo, my husband and I strolled the downtown streets of San Antonio. For some reason I loved this old movie theater:
And this cow (Longhorn?) just made me crack up...I am definitely in Texas.

I almost convinced my husband to go to the Ranger Museum. We didn't but I at least got a shot of the entrance...look at all those horns!!!
So then we headed down towards the famous River Walk or Paseo del Rio:

This was my first views of the River....gorgeous!

They even have little boat tours along the river. I thought they should do romantic gondola rides and my husband just laughed.

The thing I had been dreaming about FOREVER was to sit somewhere along the River Walk, sip a margarita, and just relax and enjoy ourselves. So when we saw this place, we figured PERFECT!!!

The Mexican Manhattan Restaurant as seen from the River Walk.

Sigh...and the much craved margaritas:

While we were enjoying our drinks a VERY inquisitive and hungry squirrel started walking around the porch. We seriously thought he was going to climb up a lady's jacket and steal her lunch. Finally a friendly waiter gave the squirrel a whole soft tortilla and the little guy was content to sit and munch on a nearby tree branch:

Then we pretty much just strolled along the River Walk. It would have been nice to see it when all the trees where un-bare but it was nice that we didn't have to deal with too many tourists....and it was the perfect temperature!

Of course, if you know us, we had to stop and get a Guinness at Waxy's Irish Pub. MMmmm..

My night pictures did not turn out well so I'll spare you that. But we stayed the night in a hotel off the River Walk and had a great view of the city.

The next day we bopped around some more. I love these cool bridges:

And being on the river, there are TONS of fountains....some you even have to walk over.

And of course, here's the quintessential view of the River Walk. At night it's all lit up with lights which is very pretty. I love the Texas themed ones....check out the Texas canopies in the back. I swear they love their stars and you can find them everywhere!This is a little stage where they put on shows and I thought it was cute. We didn't stick around for the show because we were heading out of San Antonio later that afternoon. And it looked a bit cheesy ;)But, if you walk up the stairs, like my husband's about to do, you'll find a bunch of cute little arts/crafts/clothing/etc stores. I got a cute little shirt and some candle stuff.

After a few hours of shopping, we were a bit hungry and decided to get some food. We saw this great Texan themed restaurant and sat on the balcony. I played a bit with my camera settings, as you can tell:

The color accent thing on my camera is pretty cool. Here's it picking up only red:

And here's only blue (I like the red better):

And here's normal:

Hope you enjoyed San Antonio!


  1. ::waving Texas flag::
    We love our state!!! lol....

    I bet the Riverwalk would be an awesome place to take photos! Now I want to go on a photo field trip ;)

  2. Glad you enjoyed my hometown! The Majestic theatre is actually a full fleged Theatre! Broadway shows and all. If you liked the outside, you would surely think the inside is beautiful! Check out this link for a picture:

    Yay San Antonio!


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