Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Study Night Failure...More Power! last night we were going to do study night at the library. Well, I had to work until six and I checked and the library only stayed open until 7:30. For a town that "never sleeps" they sure do close libraries early around here. So we decided to grab some sushi and got home before our dog walker arrived. So no harm done. My husband did some homework and I procrastinated and watched a bit of "Gone with the Wind".

Tonight though we get to go to a concert!!! Back when we lived in Las Vegas I took the bus to and from work for quite a few months before I got a car. I used to walk to the bus stop listening to my then favorite CD The Greatest by Cat Power (click the link to hear the CD). So for Christmas my husband bought me one of her CDs and two tickets to her concert for tonight. It was so sweet. I don't really know many people yet who would go yet so I have to drag along my husband to see it. I know he'd probably rather be doing something else but he is being super sweet and being great about going with me.

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