Wednesday, January 9, 2008

More Reminiscing

Ahhhhhh!!! I might be signing up for three classes this semester!!! I might be insane and I might go insane...we'll see when I register tonight what I decide to do. So instead of thinking about the crazyness I might be signing up for, I'll do a little...

More reminiscing. This past summer my husband and I packed up our house, dogs, and a little lucky bamboo plant to drive across country from Las Vegas to move to New York City. Oh...and did I mention this was a mere three days after our wedding? Or was it two...that time is a blur. So here's a photo recap of our first week in New York City:

So our entrance into the city via New Jersey the night of July 7, 2007. It was about 10:00 or something and we had seen the fireworks coming in from Live Earth Concert.

After we unpacked the truck, lugged the dogs, our luggage, our camping gear, and the lucky bamboo plant up to our apartment...we crashed:
Here's our lovely little bare apartment...funny how it seems bigger now with our furniture and stuff in it. The kitchen:
We actually have a desk, a bookcase, and a file cabinet here now...crazy!
And we've managed to cram a California King into this bedroom...amidst other furniture AND the dog beds.
The next day or so we took a walk around our new neighborhood to see where we lived. This was mainly due to the fact that I hadn't even seen our apartment before we moved in (neither of us had seen it when we signed the lease papers...yikes!) and I had seen the neighborhood only once before.

Steps in Isham Park
Beautiful promenade in Isham
A street in my "hood"
And of course when we moved we sold all the non-essentials so we headed to IKEA for some necessities. Did I mention IKEA is in New Jersey?

This is New Jersey:
A common bridge scene (I won't tell you how long we were stuck in it):
Coming back to New York:
Love this one:
Ok...then a day or two later we got the dogs out hiking again in Inwood Park. We were so wiped out because we weren't used to the humidity coming from Vegas with a minus 500 humidity factor (ok not really...I'd be an awful weather person). But at least the scenery was beautiful:

I love trees

And we'll finish the week with our new kitchen table and a bottle of wine (the bamboo plant made it too).And of course Charlie is in the kitchen too:

The End!

1 comment:

  1. What classes are you signing up for? I KNOW you can do it - if I can, you totally can!!!

    Love the pictures (especially the one of the bridge peeking through the trees)!!


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