Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Some Win, Some Lose

Book Blog

I just finished reading The Fall of Troy by Peter Ackroyd. I thought I would love it because it is about a ficitonal archeaological dig of what the archaeologists believe is the ancient city of Troy. It takes place around the turn of the century (20th century). However, the book just didn't grab me. It wasn't so bad that I didn't finish it though. The main archaeologist is overbearing and talks so so much in ways that I don't think people really talk, quoting Homer's Odyssey all the time. I guess if I had ever read the Odyssey, not just excerpts, it might have made more sense. The book begins with the archaeologist marrying Sophia in Greece. It was a marriage arranged by her parents and not for love. So of course, like the story of Troy, there is a triangle between the archaeologist, Sophia, and an English guy. It sounds like it should be good, but somehow the story-telling just falls flat.

Onward....I am now reading Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. My husband has liked this book for years and they just came out with a movie. I thought since I will probably be dragged to the movie, I should read the book first. Robb and I both don't like when people glamorize stupidity. My husband said that the book does a better job of telling Christopher McCandless's story while the movie looks like it glamorizes it all. I'll let you know what I think :)

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking I wanted to read Into the Wild! I've heard great things about it!


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