By Author
Alexander, Robert - The Romanov Bride
Allen, Sarah Addison - Garden Spells
Amirrezvani, Anita - The Blood of Flowers
Atwood, Margaret - The Blind Assassin
Atwood, Margaret - The Handmaid's Tale
Atwood, Margaret - Oryx and Crake
Atwood, Margaret - The Penelopiad
Austen, Jane - Northanger Abbey
Austen, Jane - Persuasion
Barbery, Muriel - The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Barbery, Muriel - Gourmet Rhapsody
Barry, Brunonia - The Lace Reader
Beddor, Frank - The Looking Glass Wars (Book 1)
Beddor, Frank - Seeing Redd (Book 2)
Beddor, Frank - Arch Enemy (Book 3)
Benni, Stefano - Margherita Dolce Vita
Bloom, Amy - Away
Brashares, Anne - The Last Summer (of You and Me)
Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre
Bronte, Emily - Wuthering Heights
Brooks, Max - World War Z
Burroughs, Edgar Rice - A Princess of Mars
Callanan, Liam - The Cloud Atlas
Calvino, Italo - If on a winter's night a traveler
Capote, Truman - Breakfast at Tiffany's
Chabon, Michael - The Yiddish Policeman's Union
Checkov, Anton - The Steppe and Other Stories
Child, Lee - Gone Tomorrow
Collins, Suzanne - The Hunger Games
Conrad, Joseph - Heart of Darkness/The Secret Sharer
de Balzac, Honore - Eugenie Grandet
de los Santos, Marisa - Belong to Me
de Pontes Peebles, Frances - The Seamstress
Del Toro - Guillermo & Chuck Hogan - The Strain
Dean, Debra - The Madonna's of Leningrad
Desarthe, Agnes - Chez Moi
Dickens, Charles - The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Donaldson, Stephen R. - The Mirror of Her Dreams (Mordant's Need No.1)
Donaldson, Stephen R. - A Man Rides Through (Mordant's Need No.2)
Dormen, Lesley - The Best Place to Be
Dunant, Sarah - The Birth of Venus
DuProu, Jeanne - City of Ember
Edwards, Selden - The Little Book
Esquivel, Laura - Like Water for Chocolate
Essex, Karen - Leonardo's Swans
Falconer, Colin - When We Were Gods
Finney, Jack - Time and Again
Frazier, Charles - Cold Mountain
French, Tana - In the Woods
French, Tana - The Likeness
Fulks, Sebastian - Birdsong
Furst, Alan - Dark Star
Gabriel, Julie - The Green Beauty Guide
Gill, Michael Gates - How to Save Your Own Life
Glass, Julia - I See You Everywhere
Glass, Julia - Three Junes
Griffin, Kate - A Madness of Angels
Haddon, Mark - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time
Hantover, Jeffrey - The Jewel Trader of Pegu
Hardy, Thomas - Jude, the Obscure
Harris, Charlaine - Real Murders
Hayes, Alfred - The Girl on the Via Flaminia
Herbert, Brian & Kevin J. Anderson - Paul of Dune
Herbert, Frank - Dune
Heyer, Georgette - These Old Shades
Hislop, Victoria - The Return
Hoffman, Alice - The Ice Queen
Hoffman, Alice - Practical Magic
Hoffman, Alice - The River King
Holmqvist, Ninni - The Unit
Humphreys, C.C. - Jack Absolute
Humphreys, Helen - Coventry
James, Henry - The Turn of the Screw
Koppel, Lily - The Red Leather Diary
Lebra, Joyce - The Scent of Sake
Lehane, Dennis - The Given Day
Letts, Billie - Made in the U.S.A.
Letts, Billie - Shoot the Moon
Lightman, Alan - Einstein's Dreams
McDermott, Alice - Charming Billy
McFadden, Maryann - The Richest Season
Meyer, Stephenie - The Host
Millar, Martin - The Good Fairies of New York
Mills, Mark - The Information Officer
Mortan, Kate - The House at Riverton
Murakami, Haruki - After Dark
Nemirosvsky, Irene - Suite Francaise
Niffenegger, Audrey - Her Fearful Symmetry
Ondaatje, Michael - The English Patient
Orwell, George - 1984
Patchett, Ann - Run
Pearl, Matthew - The Last Dickens
Pfeffer, Susan Beth - Life as We Knew It
Plath, Sylvia - The Bell Jar
Pullman, Philip - The Golden Compass
Rhys, Jean - Wide Sargasso Sea
Rigler, Laurie Viera - Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict
Roberts, Bethan - The Good Plain Cook
Romano-Lax, Andromeda - The Spanish Bow
Scott, Joanna - The Manikin
See, Lisa - Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
Shaffer, Mary Ann & Annie Barrows - The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Pie Society
Sheehan, Jacqueline - Now & Then
Siddons, Anne Rivers - Off Season
Simmons, Dan - The Terror
Sobel, Dava - Galileo's Daughter
Sofer, Dalia - The Septembers of Shiraz
Spechler, Diana - Who By Fire
Slater, Harrison Gradwell - Night Music
Smith, Alexander McCall - The Sunday Philosophy Club
Sobel, Dava - Longitude
Sokoloff, Alexandra - The Harrowing
Stein, Garth - Raven Stole the Moon
Stein, Garth - The Art of Racing in the Rain
Stewart, Rory - The Places in Between
Stott, Rebecca - The Coral Thief
Swift, Graham - The Light of Day
Szilagyi, Steve - Photographing Fairies
Teran, Boston - The Creed of Violence
Teran, Boston - Giv: The Story of a Dog and America
Tremain, Rose - The Colour
Turgeon, Carolyn - Godmother
Turgeon, Carolyn - Rain Village
Tuten, Frederic - Van Gogh's Bad Cafe: A Love Story
Updike, John - Rabbit, Run
Vonnegut, Kurt - Cat's Cradle
Wharton, Edith - Summer
Wilde, Oscar - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Winterson, Jeanette - Sexing the Cherry
Woolf, Virginia - Mrs. Dalloway
Young, William P. - The Shack
Zweig, David - Swimming Inside the Sun
By Title
1984 - George Orwell
After Dark - Haruki Murakami
A Madness of Angels - Kate Griffin
A Man Rides Through (Mordant's Need No.2) - Stephen R. Donaldson
A Princess of Mars - Edgar Rice Burroughs
Arch Enemy - Frank Beddor
The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein
Away - Amy Bloom
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
Belong to Me - Marisa de los Santos
The Best Place to Be - Lesley Dormen
Birdsong - Sebastian Fulks
The Birth of Venus - Sarah Dunant
The Blind Assassin - Margaret Atwood
The Blood of Flowers - Anita Amirrezvani
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Truman Capote
Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
Charming Billy - Alice McDermott
Chez Moi - Agnes Desarthe
City of Ember - Jeanne DuProu
The Cloud Atlas - Liam Callanan
Cold Mountain - Charles Frazier
The Colour - Rose Tremain
Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict - Laurie Viera Rigler
The Coral Thief - Rebecca Stott
Coventry - Helen Humphreys
The Creed of Violence - Boston Teran
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time - Mark Haddon
Dark Star - Alan Furst
Dune - Frank Herbert
Einstein's Dreams - Alan Lightman
The Elegance of the Hedgehog - Muriel Barbery
The English Patient - Michael Ondaatje
Eugenie Grandet - Honore de Balzac
Galileo's Daughter - Dava Sobel
Garden Spells - Sarah Addison Allen
The Girl on the Via Flaminia - Alfred Hayes
Giv: The Story of a Dog and America - Boston Teran
The Given Day - Dennis Lehane
Godmother - Carolyn Turgeon
The Golden Compass - Philip Pullman
Gone Tomorrow - Lee Child
The Good Fairies of New York - Martin Millar
The Good Plain Cook - Bethan Roberts
Gourmet Rhapsody - Muriel Barbery
The Green Beauty Guide - Julie Gabriel
The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Pie Society - Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows
The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
The Harrowing - Alexandra Sokoloff
Heart of Darkness/The Secret Sharer - Joseph Conrad
Her Fearful Symmetry - Audrey Niffenegger
The Host - Stephenie Meyer
The House at Riverton - Kate Morton
How to Save Your Own Life - Michael Gates Gill
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
The Ice Queen - Alice Hoffman
I See You Everywhere - Julia Glass
If on a winter's night a traveler - Italo Calvino
In the Woods - Tana French
The Information Officer - Mark Mills
Jack Absolute - C.C. Humprheys
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
The Jewel Trader of Pegu - Jeffrey Hantover
Jude, the Obscure - Thomas Hardy
The Lace Reader - Brunonia Barry
The Last Dickens - Matthew Pearl
The Last Summer (of You and Me) - Anne Brashares
Leonardo's Swans - Karen Essex
Life as We Knew It - Susan Beth Pfeffer
The Light of Day - Graham Swift
Like Water for Chocolate - Laura Esquivel
The Likeness - Tana French
The Little Book - Selden Edwards
Longitude - Dava Sobel
The Looking Glass Wars - Frank Beddor
Made in the U.S.A. - Billie Letts
The Madonnas of Leningrad - Debra Dean
The Manikin - Joanna Scott
Margherita Dolce Vita - Stefano Benni
The Mirror of Her Dreams (Mordant's Need No.1) - Stephen R. Donaldson
Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
The Mystery of Edwin Drood - Charles Dickens
Night Music - Harrison Gradwell Slater
Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen
Now & Then - Jacqueline Sheehan
Off Season - Anne Rivers Siddons
Oryx and Crake - Margaret Atwood
Paul of Dune - Frank Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
The Penelopiad - Margaret Atwood
Persuasion - Jane Austen
Photographing Fairies - Steve Szilagyi
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
The Places in Between - Rory Stewart
Practical Magic - Alice Hoffman
Rabbit, Run - John Updike
Rain Village - Carolyn Turgeon
Raven Stole the Moon - Garth Stein
Real Murders - Charlaine Harris
The Red Leather Diary - Lily Koppel
The Return - Victoria Hislop
The Richest Season - Maryann McFadden
The River King - Alice Hoffman
The Romanov Bride - Robert Alexander
Run - Ann Patchett
The Scent of Sake - Joyce Lebra
The Seamstress - Frances de Pontes Peebles
Seeing Redd - Frank Beddor
The Septembers of Shiraz - Dalia Soffer
Sexing the Cherry - Jeanette Winterson
The Shack - William P. Young
Shoot the Moon - Billie Letts
The Spanish Bow - Andromeda Romano-Lax
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan - Lisa See
The Steppe and Other Stories - Anton Checkov
The Strain - Guillermo Del Toro & Chuck Hogan
Suite Francaise - Irene Nemirovsky
Summer - Edith Wharton
The Sunday Philosophy Club - Alexander McCall Smith
Swimming Inside the Sun - David Zweig
The Terror - Dan Simmons
These Old Shades - Georgette Heyer
Three Junes - Julia Glass
Time and Again - Jack Finney
The Turn of the Screw - Henry James
The Unit - Ninni Holmqvist
Van Gogh's Bad Cafe: A Love Story - Frederic Tuten
When We Were Gods - Colin Falconer
Who By Fire - Diana Spechler
Wide Sargasso Sea - Jean Rhys
The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
World War Z - Max Brooks
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
The Yiddish Policeman's Union - Michael Chabon
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